Sino-German Institute for Law Studies / Deutsch - Chinesisches Institut für Rechtswissenschaft
Time:2015-08-07 04:30 Source:未知 Author:hongyuxing  Click: 1929

Sino-German Institute for Law Studies / Deutsch - Chinesisches Institut für Rechtswissenschaft    

Co-founded by Nanjing University and University of Goettingen, the Institute is the only jointly-run research center for law studies in China. An exceptionally important Institute for education and research, the center is also famous for its vital role in the exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany in many fields:

● participant of the “Dialogues between Germany and China, Countries ruled by Law”

● housing the biggst collection of German books of legal studies in China

● publishing “Sino-German Law Forum” (Chinese edition) and “Chinese Law”(German edition), two very influential journals

 receiving important state guests such as Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Johannes Rau as well as other international scholars

On October 24, 2009, the Ceremony for the 25th Anniversary of the partnership between University of Goettingen and Nanjing University, and that for the 20th Anniversary of the Sino-German Joint Institute on Law Studies were held on campus of Nanjing University.

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