Physical Examination    

Physical Examination is only required for one-year students .

The result of Physical Examination will be necessary in the applications for both Visa and Residence Permit in China.

Before registration, you should bring the original copies of the “Physical Examination Record for Foreigner”, and the “HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis Examination Report” to Jiangsu International Travel Health Care Center (No. 39 Chuang-Zhi Road) to have them verified.


1. The Procedure at Jiangsu International Travel Health Care Center will require you to pay an application fee.

2.You may be required to do the examination of “HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis Examination Report” at Jiangsu International Travel Health Care Center. 

3.It is highly recommended that students do the physical examination after they come to China.  If students do the physical examination in their country, they still need to get the report verified and it seems many reports are deemed unqualified by the Health Center. Therefore, students are strongly advised to do the physical examination in China.  

4.Please download Form of “Physical Examination Record for Foreigner” from the following website:

Physical Examination Record For Foreigner (